Due to COVID 19 and further stage 4 restrictions, we would like to inform you that Brown Davis will still be open but with the following changes:


  • All Sales, Orders, and Quotations can be done over the phone and via email.
  • The Melbourne showroom will be CLOSED.  No counter sales, walk ins or product fitment will be performed under any


Warehouse and manufacturing will remain operational with further restrictions to what had been in place.  Effective as of 5 August 2020, 11:59pm.

  •   Manufacturing to continue with some restrictions
  •    Phone & email enquiries will continue as per normal. (Some delays on email replies)
  •    Emergency Services, Military and Warranty manufacturing will take priority.  
  •   Delivery and Freight is still available. 
  •  Contactless pick up by appointment only.    
  •   Significant stock arriving throughout August/ Early September. 

***Note: Manufacturing times may be slightly affected due to reduction to staff and hours. All Melbourne staff members will be adhering to government guidelines for social distancing, face masks, use correct PPE, and increase hand sanitizing stations in the working area.


Warehouse and distribution will remain fully operational.

  • Significant stock arriving throughout the August/ Early September.
  • Pick up and freight available as per normal (by appointment only).

Please be patient, we trust that you will understand the importance of following these changes & hope that you all stay safe during these uncertain times.

PLEASE NOTE: We are still able to offer you service to your business; advice, stock and availability, or technical issues. However, there may be disruptions and delay to our packaging and shipping on orders due to restrictions on staff and contactless workflow.

We trust that you will understand the importance of following these changes & hope that you all stay safe during these uncertain times.

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