2018 marked 40 years since David Brown founded Brown Davis Automotive in Melbourne, Australia. At the very begin Brown Davis specialised in motorsport fabrication and engineering working with some of Australia’s best race teams.
David along with Rod Stephen Racing engineered and manufacture a light weight aluminium fuel tank to help racing cars get the extra laps they needed around Mount Panorama, Bathurst. Who knew this would soon lead to a close friend wanting this same principle applied to his FJ40 Land Cruiser to get him to the tip of Cape York. Suddenly Brown Davis long range fuel tanks were born. Now 40 years later we make over 200+ tanks for the Australian and US military, mining vehicles, trucks, carpet cleaning vans, motor homes and of course your average family 4WD. To celebrate the 40 year milestone we are restoring a 1978 Landcruiser 40 Series Shorty. We have partnered up with some of the other pioneers of the 4wd industry to bring the old days back to life. Once complete we are taking the vehicle to the iconic Vic High Country for to celebrate. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROWN DAVIS!